Spring/Summer Jobs and Help Wanted
It's Spring time and some of us can use a little help. But whom do we call? Let's try something different this year.. let's support our hard working neighbor kids who want to earn some money this season. Here is the Plan!
1) If you have kids at home that want to work in your neighborhood, give me a call and I will put them on a list for Spring/Summer work close to home. A simple resume may help!
2) If you need someone to help you with Spring/Summer jobs, give me a call and let me know the street or neighborhood you live in and we will try to get you some help from the list close to your home/job site.
We have some great youth in our neighborhoods looking for odd jobs such as yard clean up, walking your dog, watering your plants, weeding your garden, lawn mowing or WHATEVER! You pay them what it's worth to you.